Book Tag: Rapid Fire Questions

Rapid Fire

It’s 11 p.m., I’m winding down my brain, and I haven’t posted anything this week, so it’s the perfect time for this Rapid Fire Book Tag! Just in case any of these questions are things you were dying to know about me. The idea of Rapid Fire is of course to answer as quickly as you can without thinking too much about it.

This tag originated on GirlReading‘s BookTube channel and I first saw it on Purple Manatees.

Here we go!

E-Book or Physical Book?

Both! I love the convenience, portability, and instant availability of books on my Kindle, but I also love the tactile experience of physical books. Win-win.

Paperback or Hardback?

I own mostly paperbacks (and ebooks). I like the idea of hardbacks, but they can be cumbersome.

Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

Depends. Online if I know exactly what I’m looking for; in-store if I want to browse

Trilogies or Series?

In my experience, when a series gets longer than three or four books the quality starts to drop off, so let’s leave it at a trilogy.

Heroes or Villains?

Love both as long as they’re well-written!

A book you want everyone to read?

Do you know how many copies of Pride & Prejudice I’ve given to people, unsolicited, and not on a typical gift-giving occasion? So probably that.

Recommend an underrated book?

Pride & Prejudice. Just kidding. A book I’ve never really seen anyone discuss that I think is so, so good is America Pacifica by Anna North.

The last book you finished?

Clever Maids by Valerie Paradiz

The Last Book You Bought?

Furyborn by Claire Legrand

Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?

I’ve actually used my Kindle as a bookmark in a physical book–bookception!–but I don’t know how weird that is… I’ve used ribbons, receipts, ticket stubs, paper clips, gift cards… nothing too out-there, though, that I can think of. Don’t tell anyone, but I also sometimes dog-ear pages. Shhhh…

Used Books: Yes or No?


Top Three Favourite Genres?

  1. Fantasy
  2. Science Fiction
  3. Historical Fiction

Borrow or Buy?

I’m trying to cut back on buying and use the library more. I do like owning books, but borrowing is easier on the wallet and the environment!

Characters or Plot?

You kinda need both? I think it’s safe to say that plot is what draws me in but characters are what keep me reading.

Long or Short Books?

It depends. I think the perfect length for a book is about three pages shorter than you wanted.

Long or Short Chapters?

Again, it depends.

Name The First Three Books You Think Of…

  1. Dangerous Alliance, probably because it’s sitting right next to me
  2. The Fifth Season
  3. The Bhagavad Gita

Books That Make You Laugh or Cry?

Probably laugh. I don’t typically seek out books that I think will make me cry, but on the rare occasion one does, I remember it forever.

Our World or Fictional Worlds?

Fictional, obvi

Audiobooks: Yes or No?


Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

All the time

Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?

With TV adaptations you get more detail, so they’re likely closer to the book. But I don’t think that “closer to the book” is necessarily what all adaptations should be striving for. I also love seeing what can be done within the constraints of a 90- or 120-minute film,

A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?

The Count of Monte Cristo, big time

Series or Standalones?

It depends. I love a series if there’s more story tell, but not if it’s clearly purely a marketing ploy.

That was fun! Did you learn anything? There will be a test later!

If you decide to do this tag, let me know so i can read your answers!

8 thoughts on “Book Tag: Rapid Fire Questions

  1. Hallo, Hallo Rhonda,

    I knew we would get along famously once I saw your favourite Jane Austen novel is Pride and Prejudice which by the way happens to be at the centre of the Jane Austen’s Dragons series I am currently in the process of showcasing throughout February on my blog! lol The second review goes live tomorrow morning – however, I shared my thoughts on behalf of Pemberley: Mr Darcy’s Dragon last week! There will be 3x reviews in all plus a rather in-depth and conversational interview with the narrator too! I always lament that PRIDE is my cosy comfort book of Austen’s… it has also hindered my progress into the rest of her novels (though I am amending this soon as I’m in a buddy read with a fellow book blogger this year!) – and why I constantly seek out after canon retells or variants of PRIDE.

    Secondly, my top favourite genres are as follows:

    Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction & Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy & Mystery/Suspense/Thriller

    In regards to #HistFic – would you believe I wasn’t aware of the obvious until I became a book blogger?! Oyy. I only read books in print or listen to them in audio (ie. chronic migraines) – however, I am pretty typical when it comes to bookmarks! I love using the actual bookmark or page markers if needed; plus I am definitely a #librarygirl @ heart because I am constantly supporting my local libraries, tweeting & blogging about using libraries and regularly submit purchase requests for either print or audiobook editions from my local and regional libraries. (big smiles)

    So happy we crossed paths due to Emily of New Moon!

    Liked by 1 person

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